Monday, October 27, 2008

Melbourne, AFL grand final

When Jeremy mentioned heading to Melbourne to watch the AFL (aussie rules fooball) grand-final, I agreed with little hesitation. When living and traveling in a different country, it's always important to attend the biggest sporting games that represent the nation. In this case, Australian Rules Footy has taken the lead. A rough, grueling game that combines tactics of American gridlock football, soccer, and rugby all in one. There are no body-pads or helmets, full tackles and bodies smashing against each other are common occurrences. As are knock-outs and concussions.

I recall watching an AFL video jeremy had sent over before I came to Australia to give me a briefing of the sport that he participates in. Lauren and I sat on her couch with our jaws dropped in awe and shameless amazement.

It's taken me some time to get used to the sport, but now I have a full understanding, can make sense of the rules, and although I don't have a team that I root for, may enjoy an odd Saturday afternoon game.

So the chance to attend the mecca of aussie sports is too good of an opportunity to pass. As jeremy has some big-shot friends in the industry, he secures our tickets and we head to Melbourne for the big game.

My expectations are somewhat limited. Its hard to get toooo excited for a sporting event when I would be a little more stoked in reality if I was seeing the NY Giants or Yankees play. But I also didn't know what to expect.

The stadium had over 100,000 raging fans. As we find our section, the buzz of excitement begins to flourish as I see we are on the Lower Stands- meaning, really close to the field. We continue walking....and stop 6 rows up from the field. unbelievable! I immediately change my thoughts and suddenly feel thrilled to be part of the action. Next to the center of all the action, I'm stoked to be there. There's no way I could get us 6th row tickets to a yankees game.
The 2 teams playing are both Melbourne teams which means its a local "superbowl". I choose the underdog, Hawthorne because a week before the Grand Final I decide that I have formed an affinity for their aboriginal, dredlock-bearing player with an attitude- Chance Bateman. He's a mean little player who you can always catch on the edge of the TV screen pushing someones face into the grass- probably not the most liked guy, but I like him.

As our seats are sooo good, I get to watch him warm up as he runs the sidelines. woo!
The game is an incredible match of talent. Close til the last 15 minutes, there was rarely a dull moment, and my team was victorious. As the aussie equivelant of the SuperBowl- not too shabby :-) Thanks Jeremy for having friends in high places

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