Friday, February 13, 2009

I haven't updated my blog in over 3 months. In fact, when I checked it today, I actually realized that I haven't written anything worthwhile in about a year. Mostly run-on crap about nothing at all. I think I'm ready to write again.

Maybe that's because I just returned from a haircut that was the worst experience of my life. I hand a picture of my hair 4 months ago. I tell him that the length in the photo is what I want. Don't take off practically anything in the front. Slant it. I have curly hair. Hence it curls up a lot. That's it. oh, and i hate people cutting my hair.
$40 and 8 minutes later, I have no hair. he chopped the whole damn thing off. There is no slant. There is no nothing. Who is this man who doesn't listen to me or follow my picture?
No friend of mine.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello! I am sure you still look great=)