Tuesday, March 27, 2007

bela fleck...wee

a great thing about being in other countries is enjoying the live music that can still find its way into random cities. Last week, Bela fleck and the flecktones graced Santiago with their presence.
Even though I´ve known about the concert for 3 months, I´ve procrastinated a bit in buying tickets. When I bought them a week before the show I was somewhat weery that tickets may be scarce. I opted for stage right (which I confused and thought was stage left...on Víc´s side..) got a confirmation, and was told to pick up my tickets at willcall the night of the show. Jon and I hopped on the 90 minute bus and arrived into a city that is nothing like Valparaìso. We were back in a REAL legit city, where I can´t jaywalk across 20 lanes of traffic, and the sidewalks are lined with people.

We got to the show to find we had FRONT row seats, on the end. WOW. talk about kick-ass. The view was phenomenal, and the flecktones rocked out with their combining melodies of the sax, electric drum, banjo, and of course...victor wooten (i dont think i spelled that right). He is just a freak of nature...a machine. Totally mesmerizing watching his hands, his creativity, his invention of a total new way to use the bass as an instrument. wowzers. At one point when they were doing introductions, in English (I think they said buenos noches, and thats as far as the spanish got) they spoke ofbeing from NY so I scream out in the front row, and they all look at me and smile...haha. Nothing like making myself more of the gringa than I already am when in other countries.. Awesome pictures, soon to be posted.

As for my other activities, I had this totally intense Salsa class last night with difficult spinning and counting steps in my head. I´m not made for these things- I have something called A Lack of Coordination. However, its fun, and we change partners every 2 minutes so you get different styles of guys to dance with.

I´m back to Santiago tomorrow to see Il Divo perform- I can´t wait. I´m so lucky to have a next room neighbor (jon), who appreciates musicals and operatic singing as much as I do, because we spend MANY evenings singing Les Mis, Rent, Celtic Women, and many other great songs. Why can´t my life be a musical? That would be fun. and entertaining.

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