Thursday, January 31, 2008

and than there were 2...

It´s that time when saying goodbyes starts having an impact. Although part of the fun and thrill of traveling is the people you meet along the way, you always know that you will part ways eventually...whether it be in 3 days or 3 weeks.
To think that I arrived with Jess in Mexico City 2 months ago seems like eternity. We had a brilliant experience throughout Southern Mexico during that time, with extended stays on the West coast where we met the first Aussie gang. Leaving them was definitely sad and we wondered when we´d find another group. And as Ive mentioned in previous posts, it didn´t take long to form a new 7 point-posse in the Yucutan, composing of 2 more Aussie boys, 2 Swedes, and our Irish mate Paul who we met a month earlier. And quickly enough, the group has dissipated.
Jess finally has left. She is enroute to London where she will be working and living for the next year. It´s been 7 months with that girl and there is something special to say about that. Its been a wondrous and unexpected friendship and I couldn´t have asked for a better traveling buddy.
So than there were 3- Jeremy, Paul, and Lisa.
Jeremy left today...flying back to Australia via Los Angeles. Another sad departure.
And now, there is 2.
I am still with Irish Paul and we will be making our way to Belize tomorrow. After some consideration on how I will be getting to Honduras, I was easily convinced to come through Belize for a few days and revisit the old country that I spent a semester at 3 years ago.

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