Tuesday, December 5, 2006

bussing to iguazu

I survived my f irst 20 hour bus ride of t he trip. after a full day of lounging at the park in buenos aires, observing the dog walkers who find a way to have 20 dogs at a time in one hand, attempting to go to the zoo to find it was closed, and eating my first Churrizo sandwich, it was time to head to the monstrasity of a bus station. 100 different busses at a time, and a whole lot of numbers on my ticket that i purchased, none which tell me where i should go. as i bought my ticket, the man asked me if i wanted the first class option. hmm..well how much more is it? 15 pesos. 5 us dollars for the upgrade to sleeper style bus..yes i will take it for my 20 hour busride.
so. i loaded the bus around 7pm and prepared myself for the longest busride i have taken up to this point of my life. suprisiingly i slept alm ost the entire time, except i managed to wake up when they were serving wine.
Ive arrived in Iguazu, where its hot and humid. my hostel for 9 dollars a night looks like aresort, and frankly, i may not leave friday like expected - theres a huge pool, game room...honestly its the closest thing to a resort that ive seen in a while. not a bad deal, a breakfast is included.
the keys on this computer our stiicky and i have a calling for pingpong and then the pool before i start my hikes at the waterfalls tomorrow.

1 comment:

su mama said...

Dear Lisa,
You have a knack for making even a mundane 20 hour bus ride sound like fun!! So glad you got on the right bus! Would it be handy to know spanish or are you getting by ? Can't wait to get the update on the falls=probably breathtaking. So what kind of creepy critters are there??
LOve ya, su mama