Thursday, December 14, 2006

pictures....slowly but surely

I´ve figured out how to post pictures...which is great. Except, my camera battery died and my charger broke (lucky me...) so i can{t access the pictures from my camera!! Im in a small town so there aren{t many options for buying a new one, but hopefully in a few days I will find a new charger. The pic of Iguazu that I managed to post before my camera died is the smaller group of waterfalls, but its still beautiful. Right now I´m still in Puerto Madryn. I really like it here so I decided not to leave when the 4 guys I was traveling with left yesterday. I will be hoppin on another finely established bus tomorrow to the border of argentina and chile, to Bariloche, the Lake district. But for the past 2 days, the beach has been calling me, and so has windsurfing. oooh, fun! I met a british girl who is heading to the Patagonia region as well, so I havent really been alone yet. Sooner or later I´ll go solo.

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