Thursday, January 18, 2007

armpit farts...are they really that cool?

As my week is finally winding down, I can now (almost) sit back and relax. Relax, after a week of working 10 hour days with 5-12 year olds, I forgot what relax means. One would normally think that by Thursday, after 4 strenuous and tiring days of running in circles around a gym, these kids would be a little worn down. Thats a negative ghostrider. Maybe I was a little irritable this morning because I went out to la Viña last night, the town next to us. Perhaps my 4 hours of sleep contributed, but in reality, it made no difference.
There are 2 little girls who have taken quite a liking to me. One of them is 10, and she likes me because I can speak English, and I teach her words like ¨head, mouth, chair, and toes¨. Literally, thats it. The other one is 8 I think, and I have no idea why she likes me. I can´t actually communicate with either of them efficiently, and if I was a little kid trying to speak to an older person, and every 7 words that came out of their mouth was inaudible, I don´t think I would continue trying to talk to them. Our conversations are quite funny, because I tend to ask the little kids how I say things in spanish, and they laugh at me. Then, I will get out a really good sentence or two, and I get all excited about my proficiency...only to follow up with a completly botched sentence that makes no sense whatsoever. The ¨confused look¨appears quite often when I talk...but for some reason, they still insist on talking to me, even though I have no idea what they are saying. Trying to console them when they cry is also humorous (not because they are crying, but because my reaction). I can´t exactly find the correct words, so I stick with, ïts ok¨, and thats about it. Or when two kids are fighting, I just tell them to stop, and no more. I´m not so good on the disciplinary action. Although, my coworkers usually come to the rescue in those situations.
My coworkers are also another amusing part of my day. The majority of the workers at camp at 14 and 15 years old. The 2 directors of the camp, are 19 and 21. As far as stafff, the 4 volunteers are by far the oldest people. However, I rely on the 14 year olds to help me with everything throughout my day, and I value their presence.

This afternoon, I was subjected to listening to 6 boys making farting noises with their armpits. I forgot how fascinating it is when you find new noises and uses for bodyparts. I stopped finding it amusing approximately 16 seconds into the game, but had to listen for another 45 minutes. Then I had the 10-12 year olds for a free'time class, where I can do whatever I want... Although I prefer 8 and above, it is so much easier to entertain 5 year olds. Like my sis Lauren said, you can play a game that consists of standing up if you are wearing yellow, and they are entertained. Not so much for 12 year olds, although I have found that many stupid games work with them as well. (Was I so easy to entertain at that age??) So, since it was english and free class, we sang and learned the body parts for... ¨head, shoulders, knees and toes...¨ great song, I must say so myself.
Let me stress though, by far the most difficult thing I have faced with learning spanish, is TEACHING a game to kids. It is so incredibly complicated to explain rules of a game. My experience was teaching 7 niños the HaHa game. The HaHa game might possibly be the most mindless yet rewarding game ever created. It consists of laying on the floor, with your head on another persons stomach, their head on another stomache, its a big circle of peoples heads and stomachs. The first person says Ha Ha, and their stomach moves up and down when they say it (gravity), and the head resting on the stomach also becomes a chain effect...great times. However, it was a complete failure when I tried to demonstrate and explainthe game. I should have stuck with ¨stand up if you are wearing the color green¨game.

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