Saturday, January 27, 2007

who needs to exercise when you can salsa?

I had my first real lesson in salsa last night. Although I have taken some classes that are offered in the Y, anyone can tell you, its getting out there and making an ass out of yourself that really teaches you. And so I did that. I was at a club with a few of the guys that I work with, and Ricardo grabs my hand and pulls me on the dance floor. I should first mention that men in Argentina know how to dance. And they love doing it. I think its terrific. Its quite rare to find many younger males in the US who not only enjoy dancing (because many do), BUT can dance and have Rhythm, and more importantly, not consider dancing to be a thrusting movement of their lower body...ew gross. The men in south america have incredible rhythm, can actually LEAD during a dance (which is unknown to me...I´ve been leading for years now, which makes it difficult to follow) and they love getting on a dance floor and shaking it up. SO, with that said, Ricardo pulls me on the floor during a somewhat fast salsa song. I´m glancing at these other couples around us, and thinking Oh %$!%...they all look professional, and I have two left feet. However, with some instruction I did quite well I must admit. Than a really fast merengue song came on, and we switched partners. Here I am dancing with this guy who could have been on one of those TV shows cause hes so damn good... and the entire song consisted of spinning. Spinning left, right, under both arms, crossing arms...totally crazy! I haven´t spun around like that since I was doing ´spinning bat races´when i was in elementary school. It was sooo much fun. And I certaintly worked up a sweat. i decided after 3 hours of dancing, when I woke up this morning and my calves hurt, that I can just dance every night at a salsa club rather than take my spinning (actual bike spinning) classes.

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