Tuesday, January 23, 2007

sweating like there´s no tomorrow...spinning

I just feel like I should share with everyone that I had my first spinning class. Not only was it the most intense workout I´ve had in...well, in a long time, but I also sweat more than I think I have ever in my life. Definitly not the place to try to pick up guys...unless you´re into that whole touching someones arm, and having your hand slide off because its so wet. Seriously though, all jokes aside, I understand why spinning became the new fad....5 years ago. I guess I´m a little late on the ´newness´of the aerobic exercise, but than again, I´m also a few years behind on fashion, music, and whats ´hot´ these days. I think I shed some excess ´grab flab´on my stomach in just 50 minutes. Maybe my jeans will start to fit me again soon

Another week started at the Y. Lunch was exceptionally fun. The one point of my day where I can sometimes be free of children, and enjoy my food. Today I sat with 6 of the kids from camp who were eating with us in the cafeteria. The 5 year old girl, angela, has taking quite a liking for me, but also hasnt learned that lunch isn´t the time i want to play games. Unfortunately, I had to practically spoonfeed her food to her because she was refusing to eat. I was chipper. But the weather is beautiful outside, so I´m looking forward to a casual stroll through the city soon..

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