Tuesday, January 9, 2007


Hubo una princessa, ella estaba muy trist porque ella no tuvo un principe. La princessa fue al rio y ella pedio un milagro. Ella queria la llevarde a otro ciudad. La princessa estuvo muy lindo, pero muy perezoso. Despues tres kilometers, ella veo un viejo chico. El viejo hombre dijo la princessa, la reina madre es buscando para tu. La reina madre no quieria su hija buscar un chico en el otro cuidad, porque la reina la digo cuando ella besara un sapo, el sapo sedilla en principe. THE END

today was a good day. after my second day of intensive 4 hour spanish classes, I had to makeup a fairy tale, on the spot. Above is what I madeup. When translated, it makes little sense, but both my teacher and I found it very amusing.
I am learning the past tense. I don´t ever remember learning this in highschool. I would rather only speak in the present and future, and notbother withthe past. It seems like a waste, andwho cares what you have already done? Well, thats not true, buts its slightly a pain...hence, my fairytale is all past tense, because i was practicando.

I also ate icecream for both lunch AND and dinner. YUM. I accompanied the latter meal with a salad. And i went running this morning, so I feel gooood.
This afternoon, I purchased ´the hobbit´ in spanish. It will be my newest endeavor to read, and actually comprehend what is going on (which is doubtful, but I´ll try)
My time in Mendoza is dwindling down. Its a little sad to think I have to leave in 3 days, but I can always come back ;-) I might just do that in 2 months when it is harvest season for the vino...sounds too good to pass up. I tried to put pictures up, but, it is apparant that no computer in the greater city of mendoza will accept anything plugged into the computer, and it will not recognize the drive. SO, ya´ll gonna have to wait a little longer.

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