Sunday, January 7, 2007

how to spot an israeli in South America.

We decided that their are several key factors when identifying an Israeli traveler in South America.

1. They usually have grown out facial hair and longer hair (males). This is because they just got out of the service in most cases, and they´re L I V I N

2. They tend to wear T'shirts of places they´ve already visited in South America. IE. Cusco, La Paz, ETC.

3. They ALWAYS wear either Tevas or Crocs on their feet. I stress, ALWAYS.

4. They travel in groups of 47.

5. When carrying their backpacks, they routinely use the bag covers over their packs.ç

I´m sure when I run this past the next israeli that I meet, which will probably be tomorrow, they will also agree, and perhaps even have an additional characteristic to add.

Currently, I´m sitting at the internet cafe watching the GIANTs and Eagles playoff game. Its quite exciting, i must say...watching play by play via computer. However, desperate times call for desperate measures, and at least I HAVE an internet cafe so I can be in the ¨know¨.
I still have high expectations, as I always do for all my teams (which often these expectations are crushed, but I continue to support), as there is 1 minute and 48 seconds remaining... Phili has the ball on the giants 20 yard line, tied score...20/20.

Last night, there was a ´full moon party´up in the mountains, including a 2am rafting expedition. The river was wild when we arrived, and I used good judgement and didn´t do the late night rafting, just enoyed the party in the mountains.

Eagles timout...21 seconds remaining, third down, still on the giants 20- I don´t like the way this looks...but after watching Dallas and the fumbly hands may not be so bad.

Tomorrow, I begin my intensive spanish classes for 4 hours a day. Oh, it may be please some of you, at least it pleases me, that I woke up and went running today and yesterday.

field goal with 2 seconds left....JERKS. good season guys.
Now the giants can fall in line with my other teams that had such a fantastically terrible end of season... Florida State, Yanks.
Maybe next year guys.
Now I can put ALLL my extra time and energy into spring training... just 2 months away.

and now, i return to my hostel to drown my misery, by reading a book.

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